Operation: Adventure. DC day 1

Jun 26, 2012
Wowzers!!!  The first day in DC was a success.  Arriving a little after midnight, Monday morning was a lazy one.  We eventually made our way into the city ready to take on our first challenge. 

Figuring out the Metro ticket machine. 

These tourists eventually asked the nice Metro lady for some help.  Thank you nice Metro lady.

Our day was go go go from there.  First stop was the Pentagon. 

The memorial there for the 9/11 victums was amazing.  A lot of thought went into it. The victum's name was ingraved on a bench.  After reading the name, you look up to see how they died.  If you are facing the Pentagon, they died in the Pentagon.  Likewise if you are facing the airport, they were in the plane.   Like I said a lot of thought. 

We also checked out two Smithsonians, the Museum of American History and the Museum of Natural History.  Our last stop was the National Archives.  My little history dorky self was just ecstatic seeing the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution and The Magna Carta.  Ahhh it was wonderful.  I will post more pictures on the Men, Money and Me facebook page. Later.  Right now I'm off to Arlington!


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